Pool Cleaning Category | Miller Pools

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Help & Advice: Pool Cleaning

Miller Pools Understanding Algaecides in Pool Water

No pool owner wants to swim in water that’s cloudy, dirty, or overrun by algae; that’s why understanding the chemistry of your pool water is so important.  If you notice that your pool water looks green or cloudy, this is likely down to a high level of algae present in your pool. As a result,… Read More

Miller Pools What Causes Calcium Buildup in Pools?

Have you noticed that your pool water sometimes looks cloudy? Or maybe the surface of your pool feels rough to the touch? These are all signs of calcium buildup, which is bad news if you’re hoping to swim regularly in your pool this summer. It’s only natural that you’ll want to get as much use… Read More

Miller Pools What Should Chlorine Levels Be in a Swimming Pool?

A swimming pool should be a relaxing, enjoyable environment, but this is only possible if the water chemistry is sanitary and properly balanced. Pool chlorine is essential for this and without it, your pool can become the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Not only does this make the water look murky and unpleasant, but it… Read More

Miller Pools Can Leaves Damage My Swimming Pool?

During the fall, you may notice more leaves than usual in your pool, particularly if your backyard has lots of overhanging trees. While you may assume that this is a minor issue, leaves can build up if left ignored and result in major problems for your pool. But just what do leaves do to a… Read More

Miller Pools How Do I Make My Pool Crystal Clear? (Infographic)

Nobody wants to swim in dirty, cloudy pool water. Not only is it off-putting, it could also be dangerous to the health of swimmers. Luckily, it’s easy to keep your water crystal clear thanks to a proper swimming pool maintenance schedule. In this article, we’ll guide you through some easy maintenance tips to keep your… Read More

Miller Pools The Importance of Properly Storing Pool Chemicals

Pool chemicals keep the water safe, hygienic, and pleasant to swim in. Because their usage is such a central part of pool maintenance, it’s vital to keep chemicals stored properly to prevent their degradation, to stop spillages, and to protect children and pets.   In this article, we’ll explore the importance of proper pool chemical storage… Read More

Miller Pools How To Choose the Right Pool Service Provider

Your swimming pool is your home’s personal oasis and provides you and your loved ones with a space to relax, socialize, and exercise.  With this in mind, it’s important that your pool remains in the best possible condition so you can always make the most of it when you want to take a dip. While… Read More

Miller Pools Top 5 Ways to Clean Pool Tiles

We all want to kick back and enjoy a stunning swimming pool – and its cleanliness is a big part of that enjoyment.  Pool tiles are part of the aesthetic quality of a backyard area, so you’ll want to keep their color and quality bright and pristine. Tiles at the waterline can become especially grimy… Read More

Miller Pools How to Prevent Algae in Your Swimming Pool (Infographic)

Having a swimming pool in your backyard can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors and stay cool during the hot summer months. However, one of the biggest challenges pool owners face is keeping the water clean and free of algae. Not only is algae in the pool unsightly, but it can also pose… Read More

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