Understanding Algaecides in Pool Water | Miller Pools

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Understanding Algaecides in Pool Water

No pool owner wants to swim in water that’s cloudy, dirty, or overrun by algae; that’s why understanding the chemistry of your pool water is so important. 

If you notice that your pool water looks green or cloudy, this is likely down to a high level of algae present in your pool. As a result, you may need to use algaecides to restore your pool to a sanitary condition.

But what are algaecides? And how do they work? The team here at Miller Pools is here to explain everything you need to know.

What causes algae?

For algae to thrive, it requires water, sun, air, and a food source, making swimming pools a prime environment. 

Phosphates act as a source of food for algae, so if the phosphate levels in your pool are too high, algae is more likely to grow uncontrollably. Although excess phosphates alone won’t cause algae to grow, when coupled with warm temperatures, poor water circulation, and an imbalance in the pH and chlorine levels, this can create the perfect breeding ground.

What does algae do to your pool?

So what exactly does algae do to your pool? Can you ignore it or should you have it removed as quickly as possible?

Slippery surface

Algae produces a slimy coating that makes it a hazard around any pool surface.

Health hazard

Swimming in algae can cause irritation to the skin and eyes, plus the water can be a serious health risk if ingested.

Clogged filters

Algae grows quickly in clumps and these can quickly overwhelm and block your filter if ignored.

Unsightly appearance

Quite simply, a green, cloudy pool doesn’t look particularly inviting to potential swimmers.

Chemical imbalance

Algae can disrupt the delicate chemical balance of your pool and use chlorine at a faster rate, leading to compromised water quality. 

What are algaecides?

An algaecide is a chemical substance that has been specifically formulated to prevent and/or kill algae. Although every algaecide is different, most feature copper ions which attach to live algae and destroy it. 

Algaecides can be both preventive and curative and are commonly used in liquid form, however, they are also available as granules or tablets.

When should I use an algaecide in my pool?

As a preventive measure, it’s usually recommended to add algaecides to your pool every week. For the best results, you should first shock your pool and then, once the chlorine levels have returned to normal, add the required amount of algaecide. To ensure the algaecide is properly circulated, you should add it in several places around your pool’s perimeter and while running the filter.

The amount of algaecide you should use varies depending on the size of your pool and the severity of its algae problem. However, if you’re ever unsure, don’t just blindly add chemicals and hope for the best; instead, you should consult a trusted pool professional, like the experts at Miller Pools. We can assess a sample of your pool water and identify what chemicals need to be added to restore balance.

How to remove algae from your pool

Naturally, you won’t want to share your pool with algae blooms, so getting rid of it should be a top priority.

  1. Check the balance of your pool water and assess what chemicals need to be added.
  2. Use a pool brush to dislodge any stubborn algae clumps from the pool surface.
  3. Shock your pool.
  4. Test your pool water. Once the chlorine levels have returned to normal, add the required algaecides before leaving the filters to run for 24 hours.
  5. Brush the pool surfaces again, and then use a pool vacuum to remove any floating debris or algae clumps.
  6. Run your filter again before cleaning it.
  7. Test your pool water chemistry to ensure it’s safe to swim in before diving on in.

How to prevent algae

By far the best way to prevent algae from growing in your pool is to invest in regular pool maintenance. When you schedule weekly pool maintenance with an expert company like Miller Pools, you can keep a constant eye on your pool water chemistry. This means that you can address any chemical imbalances as soon as they happen to prevent algae growth and ensure clean, clear water.

Don’t let algae stop you from using your pool this summer – get in touch with the team at Miller Pools today. For pool owners throughout Pasadena, Humble,  Atascocita, TX, and beyond, we offer pool maintenance services on a one-off or regularly scheduled basis. Our experienced team has over 30 years of experience and will ensure your pool water is clean, sanitized, and expertly balanced – contact us to find out more.

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